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Yamaha MX-A5200 mx-a5200ti

Effektforstærker 11-kanals effektforstærker der er lavet til at matche processoren CX-A5200.
PRIS DKK 24.999,00
Fragt (v/afhentning): DKK 0,00 - Total inkl. fragt: DKK 24.999,00
Denne vare kan ikke købes online, kontakt butikken
Lagerstatus: IKKE på lager (4 - 6 dages levering)
Beskrivelse Energimærke Specifikationer Udskriv
Varenr: mx-a5200ti


  • 11-kanals overvældende effekt forstærkning
  • Stor, speciallavet ringkernetransformator
  • Effektforstærker med tre-trins Darlington kredsløb
  • 27.000 uF speciallavede kondensatorer
  • Specieldesignet hårdt chassis og højkvalitets dele
  • Støjresistente balancerede XLR-tilslutninger
  • Biamping kapacitet med kanalvælger
  • Højkvalitets guldbelagte højttalerterminaler

AVENTAGE separate komponenter

AVENTAGE separate komponenter er højdepunktet i imponerende Home Entertainment.

I vores stræben efter ultimativ Home Cinema har Yamaha sat en ny målestok for performance og innovation.

Vi præsenterer CX-A5200 forforstærkeren og MX-A5200 effektforstærkeren.

Effekt og nærvær

MX-A5200 har 11 diskret opbyggede forstærkerkanaler med fleksible konfigurationsvalg og leverer en imponerende kombination af effekt og kvalitet.

Nyd fleksibiliteten i et multizone-anlæg, eller lad dig overvælde af dramatisk surroundlyd med en fri kombination af 11 kanaler.

Ultimativ performance med BTL

For yderligere at styrke effektkapaciteten understøtter MX-A5200 en Bridge Tied Load (BTL) konfiguration til de 2 frontkanaler. Dette giver en mærkbar forbedring af fronthøjttalernes gengivelse.

Kompromisløs konstruktion

Som en del af den kompromisløse konstruktion bygger MX-A5200 på et specielt designet chassis, der maksimerer stivheden og eliminerer virkningerne fra vibrationer.

MX-A5200 bruger en dobbelt bundpladekonstruktion, der består af vibrationsdæmpende plader af 1,6 mm stål – arven fra den legendariske Z11 AV-receiver.

Til at understøtte de tunge køleprofiler og andre komponenter anvendes en venstre/højre-uafhængig konstruktion, som forstærkes af en stiv rammestruktur. Bundrammen reducerer udbredelsen af vibration fraden store nettransformator og køleprofilerne.

MX-A5200 har også en kraftig isolator, der blokerer for udefra kommende vibration.

Perfekt symmetrisk

MX-A5200 er præcist planlagt, kablet og konstrueret med et symmetrisk effektforstærker-layout. Dette giver en ideelkanalseparation, hvor venstre og højre side er både fysisk og elektrisk isoleret fra hinanden.

Denne konstruktion forbedrer også signal/støjforholdet betydeligt og sikrer et bredt perspektiv i lydgengivelsen.

Uanstrengt performance

MX-A5200 er udstyret med en stor, kraftfuld ringkernetransformator, som sammen med 2 specialudviklede blokkondensatorer med høj kapacitet leverer massiv effekt med rigeligt overskud.

Desuden minimerer den energitab og sikrer en uanstrengt gengivelse af lydkilder.

Suveræne tilslutningsmuligheder

Bagpanelet på MX-A5200 er fyldt med forgyldte højkvalitetsterminaler, der er kompatible med Y-stik (spadestik) til optimal tilslutning til højttalerne.

Kraftig og stærk bundplade

Stabilisering af chassiset er afgørende for højere performance og dyb, dramatisk lyd. MX-A5200 opnår dette ved at benytte en tyk bundplade, der stabiliserer hele forstærkerens struktur og sikrer optimal lyd.

Balancerede XLR-tilslutninger

Ved sammenkobling af AV-komponenter kan der opstå elektrisk støj – et resultat af forbindelserne mellem dem og også fra andre eksterne støjkilder.

For at undgå dette grundlæggende problem benytter MX-A5200 balancerede tilslutninger til alle 11 kanaler – den samme type, som findes i professionelt audioudstyr.

Ydermere bruger den alternative ubalancerede phono-tilslutning en jordfølsom transmissionsmetode, som giver en enkel balanceret transmission.

Overwhelming Power and High Density Presence Achieved by 11.2-channel Separate AV Amps

The MX-A5200 discrete structured 11-channel Power Amplifier delivers powerful driving force that provides superb quality and performance for all channels. Combined with the CX-A5200 11.2-channel Pre-amplifier, it achieves overwhelming silence and sound filled with dynamic feeling, the goal to which Yamaha constantly aspires. With all types of sound sources, you will enjoy a deep resonance that immerses you in music with the full scale presence of 11.2 channels.

Specially Designed High Rigidity Chassis Eliminates the Effects of Vibration for Greater Sound Purity

As part of the no-compromise design policy for these two amplifiers, Yamaha created an advanced chassis with strong rigidity. Chassis stiffness is enhanced by an H-shaped cross frame that boosts mechanical strength, by adopting aluminium side panels that increase the stiffness of the housing, and by a three-ply structure with independent top cover and side panels. Any external vibration from the rack or other sources is damped by heavy insulators. The A.R.T (Anti-Resonance Technology) Wedge in the centre of the bottom cover acts as an additional vibration countermeasure and firmly supports the internal circuits and delicate parts. In addition, the MX-A5200 has a double bottom, consisting of vibration control plates made of 1.6mm black steel, the same type of construction used on the previous flagship model Z11. In order to support the heavy heat sinks and other parts, it has a left-right independent construction strengthened by a rigid-frame structure. The bottom frame reduces the transmission of vibration produced by the large power supply transformer and heat sinks. It also incorporates a heavy insulator that blocks external vibration.

Symmetrical Power Amplifier Layout

This is just one of the many design details that all combine to create a superior receiver. The interior of the unit has been precisely planned, circuit-routed and built so that the left and right channels are physically and electrically isolated. This naturally maximises channel separation, but also greatly improves signal to noise ratio and also helps to achieve a wide, open sound stage.

Highest Quality Parts Achieve High Power to 11 Channels and Unrestricted Speaker Drive

The MX-A5200 uses a current feedback power amp with a Three-stage Darlington circuit that has superior phase properties and is resistant to speaker impedance fluctuation. To fully realise its inherent power, it uses high quality parts with superior sound quality that were strictly selected based on listening tests. The power supply transformer is a specially developed high output, high efficiency, large size toroidal transformer. With two specially developed high capacity (27,000uF) block capacitors, it minimises energy loss and features power supply capacity with generous headroom. This ensures sound capable of superior musical expression. The speaker output terminals are high quality gold-plated types, and are compatible with Y plugs for optimum speaker connectivity.

Noise Resistant, Highly Reliable Balanced Connection

Electrical noise may be generated due to connection with other AV components and even to the connection between them, as well as from other sources of external noise. To ensure that the MX-A5200 and CX-A5200 are not affected by this distortion, they use balanced connections that are highly noise resistant—the same type generally used in pro audio equipment. Even the RCA unbalanced connection uses a ground sensing transmission method that achieves simple balanced transmission. And in cases such as that where each channel with the XLR is used selectively, the impact of noise flowing between the pre-amp and the chassis of the power amp is removed, minimising sound quality deterioration due to the connection.

In Addition to 11.2-channel Output, 5-channel Biamping and Other Configurations Are Possible

The MX-A5200 and CX-A5200 are designed to allow flexible system building. Complementing their 11-channel output that maximises Cinema DSP HD3 performance and makes the most of the capabilities of the speakers, they also support biamping for driving tweeter and woofer with separate amps. Furthermore, they allow biamping of, for example, all five channels using the 11 internal channels. Extra amps can be used to power multiple zones in addition to the main room, letting you configure your system for music play in a bedroom or kitchen, for example. On the MX-A5200, you can switch all 11-channel input jacks back and forth between balanced and unbalanced for each channel, further increasing system flexibility.

Der er ingen energimærke til denne vare

Udgangseffekt 11 x 120 watt / 8 ohm

Tilslutninger 11 XLR, 11 RCA

Strømforbrug 650 Watt, standby 0,5 watt

Dimensioner (B x H x D) 43,5 x 21 x 46,3 cm

Vægt 26.4 kg

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